Commodity Trading

Draycott Group, along with its associated companies, invests and/or brokers commodity transactions. At the heart of global supply, Draycott Group connects producers and consumers of vital commodities – efficiently, reliably and responsibly.

Crude Oil & LPG Gas:

Crude oil and petroleum products such as gasoline, are an essential part of the global energy mix today, used for transportation and by a wide range of industries. They will continue to play an important role in supporting growing global energy demand during the transition currently underway to a low-carbon economy.
Our teams have significant expertise in moving oil and petroleum products to customers around the world – safely, reliably and efficiently.



Draycott Group through its principals, have successfully sourced various edibles for its clients and/or end users. This has ranged from fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, fish and pulses and rice.

Construction Materials & Equipment:

Draycott Group along with its partners, have successfully sourced various construction materials and construction equipment and machinery for its clients and/or end users.


Draycott Group acquired Cardiff’s oldest private sixth form academy – Cardiff Academy Sixth form College in 2018.

Since acquisition, the academy seen unprecedented growth under Draycott’s management becoming the UK’s Number 1 performing A’ Level College having achieved 96% A*- A Grades.

This achievement was on account of the £1,500,000 of scholarships Draycott Group provided over the years. This enabled less fortunate but bright and talented students to study A’ Levels at Cardiff Academy, benefiting from intimate class sizes, high-quality facilities and personal tuition and guidance to help further their future University goals.